
Erection All Risks Insurance

The EAR insurance covers starts from the time of the arrival of construction materials to the site to the time of testing and commissioning after the installation and erection. It covers testing and commissioning risk for two weeks. Section I of the policy covers for contractor’s material damage and its Section II covers for Third Party Liability. The limit of Section II can be proposed up to 50%, 75%, 100% or 125% of Section I of which the sum insured is as per contract value. The value of machines and equipments at the site can be added to sum insured. The period of insurance is from minimum 3 months to maximum 5 years. Maintenance period can be proposed for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. The premium rate ranges from 0.15% to 0.518%.

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Contact Phone Number

Admin Department

379088, 384865, 252372, 246902

Life Insurance Department

384881, 384876, 386919

Account Department

384870, 384868

Duty Room


Fire, Engineering and Miscellaneous Insurance Department

251764, 384874, 384867

Marine, Aviation & Travelling Insurance Department


Third-Party Liability Insurance Department

384864, 384873